Economic impact of building in Delaware: One Year
Single Family Construction
Multi-Family Construction
income for Delaware residents
taxes and other revenue
jobs for Delawareans
income for Delaware residents
taxes and other revenue
jobs for Delawareans
Data sourced from local impact study based on the construction of 6,000 new single family homes and 900 multifamily homes in a single year in Delaware conducted by the National Association of Home Builders
Economic impact of building in Delaware: One Year
Single Family Construction
income for Delaware residents
taxes and other revenue
jobs for Delawareans
Multi-Family Construction
income for Delaware residents
taxes and other revenue
jobs for Delawareans
Data sourced from local impact study based on the construction of 6,000 new single family homes and 900 multifamily homes in a single year in Delaware conducted by the National Association of Home Builders
Comprised of more than 6,000 employees in the housing, development, and real estate communities, our membership makes up a substantial portion of the workforce and touches virtually every aspect of the Delaware economy.